Farm Gate Sale

Who has the tastiest jam? Where can you get the best franconian whisky? Shop where it grows and flourishes...

Vineyard Jürgen Seger

Wine and fine: three generations and 100% handmade. At wineyard Seger you find classical Silvaner and modern wine diversity.

100% Passion results in 100% Quality


With tenderness and passion the Seger family put their heart and soul in it. At the five hectare wine-growing farm handiwork is alive. Three generations cut, bend, harvest and foster the wine. Excellent quality comes from their heart and their knowledge. The knowledge about the verybest grapes pass down generations.

Feel Good Recipe

  • brandy and fruit liqueurs produced at their distillery
  • endearing hospitality of three generations
  • qualified wine guidance with gift service

Speciality of the house

brandy and dry white wines

Vineyard Jürgen Seger
Blütenstraße 1
97509 Kolitzheim

opening hours

Monday to Saturday: 8 am to 7 pm

and upon request

our offers
  • white and red wine
  • brandy and fruit liqueurs produced at their distillery
  • brandy and fruit liqueurs 
  • asparagus
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