Places to Visit

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Little Pharmacy Museum

Medical plants, medicines and ancient knowledge: stories of a pharmacists.

Medicines, sage and herbs mush

Equipped with unction machine and mortar pharmacies produced a majority of medicines by themselves in former times. Wonder at the different tools, equipment and interior of a rural pharmacy from the 20th century. Glass bottles, laboratory apparatus and mortar relegates You back to the 1950's.

Listen to interesting anecdotes about a pharmacist's life in earlier time and at the present. Smell, feel and taste the medical plants in the herb garden. Or book a workshop for You or for kids about herbs and tea. 


Little Pharmacy Museum
Mainleite 4
97453 Schonungen

opening hours

upon request

our offers
spezielle Kinderangebote, museumspädagogische Angebote
admission fees

donation welcome.

Guided Tours
Minimum of participants (min.): 1

languages: deutsch
price: donation welcome
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