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Vineyard Groha

Wine and fine: taste the lively "Rosi” to your hearts' content, a tingly sparkling wine with rose petal syrup from the vineyard Groha. 

Hubert, Andreas, Mirjam and Laurin - three generations, one intention


The small family vineyard Groha successfully participated in numerous wine challenges. You find primely white and red wines. Sustainability and protecting nature is well balanced with high quality. Preserving nature and environment for future generations is a heartfelt wish of family Groha. For the younger generation the best choice is yummy grape juice without alcohol.

Feel Good Recipe

  • feel at home
  • winetastings at the garden with view over the wineyards
  • great wines in taste and at competitions

Speciality of the house

Domina selection, "Rosi" - sparkling wine with rose hip syrup

Vineyard Groha
Wethstraße 11
97516 Oberschwarzach

opening hours

upon request

our offers
  • winetastings
  • guided wine tours
  • wine cellar tours
  • individual gift service 
Guided Tours
Minimum of participants (min.): 2

languages: deutsch
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