Places to Visit

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Smooth, strong and aged cold: The trademarks of Rothbier ...


The city of Schweinfurt has been indispensable for the Roth brewery for 200 years. The Roth family shaped beer brewing until the 1980s. After that, long-time employee Edgar Borst took over the Roth brewery.

High quality, natural, wholesome - the Borst family still brews an excellent beer to this day. The Borst family only uses regional products for their particularly gentle brewing process with cold aging. Pasteurization? Short-term heating? Nothing. Open eyes, alert senses and paying attention to detail are the family recipe here. The result is a drinkable and usually strong beer - red beer.

Company tours are not possible. However, you can find out more about the brewing tradition in Schweinfurt on special beer tours at the Tourist Info. You can try and buy all regional beer specialties from our three breweries.



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